Monday, September 6, 2010

August: Cassave Root

We had cassava root for a snack in the village. You peel off the bark and eat unil the core. Yumm!

August: School Begins

I started 2nd grade and C started 4th. -H

I am learning my letters at home with Mommy. -E

August: New House & Visitor

We move to a new house and saw a peacock in our yard twice. A girl one.

July: Eating With Our Hands

I put one hand behind my back so I will remember to eat only with my right hand (because your lfet hand is your potty and nose picking hand in Africa). -E

July: Friend

Playing with my friend cathy in our cortyard. -C

July: Taco Night

Getting the cheese and tomatos ready. -H

And making our own tortillas! -!

July: Care Package!

We got a care package from a very nice lady. It had lots of fun things in it! Here are just a few:
Playing jump rope.-C

We love the puzzle. -H

I am doing a puzzle. -H

I love doing this puzzle over and over and over again! -C

Done with a fun puzzle.-C

I love bubbles! -E

Blowing bubble.Yay! -C
Thank you Mrs. Newberry!!!!

July: Skype!

We got to skype with Nana! We LOVE to skype. Do you have skype? You can sign up for free and talk to us through the computer. The best time to skype with us is between 11am and 4pm EST (it will be between 12pm and 5pm EST after the time change) M-F or anytime on Saturday. This is after we get home from school but before we go to bed. (Daddy & Mommy can skype later then that though.)

July: Doing Laundry

I like to help my friend Amanda* (or Amelia Bedelia) do cleaning. Our washer wasn't working so she was washing our clothes by hand. I like to play with the water and soap! -E

July: Time in the Village

Sitting with friends. -C

Eating a bug. eeeeeeew! -C

I love to play in the hammock. -E

In the villge playing. -H

The heat of the day is a great time for a litte nap (but a bit sweaty)! -E

Here I am helping my friend sweep the dirt courtyard. -E

I am eat yummy sweet bread. -H

June: Fun with Friends

The people our Mommy and Daddy work with got together for a yearly meeting and so we got to see all our friends.

Uuut t9imkfkkjfjkjgfjgfjmbg. (I got to swim in a pool. It was green and a little slimy, but I didn't care!)-E
We did a song and play and it was fun. -H

Signing with my mommy to our favorite song "While I'm Waiting". -C

We had a silent auction and I got a camera with my allowance! Yeah! HaHa! -C

June: In the Village

doing a word searh in the village. -h

Dokeys fighting and falling in a well.-C

Siting and eating a snack.-C

My best friend in the village, Felicity*, who I love to follow around. -E

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

June: Jonah Musical

We were in a school musical at school about Jonah.

I was sailor 6, sailor 3, and boat man 3.

I was the sign person.

June: Staying with Friends

Mommy & Daddy went on an anniversary trip to England and we stayed with Uncle Arnett & Aunt Crystal. I had fun playing with Baby Z and all his toys too!

May: Shamu Outfits!

Mommy found this fabric in the market for us. Our tailor made these dresses. We like them a lot!

May: Rain!

It had not rainied in a long time. We got to play in the rain! It was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May: Allowance!

We have been checking off our chores list so that we can get allowance.

May: H the monkey!

I love to climb trees! -H

May: Another Visit to a Village

E loves mangos.

And she makes freinds wherever she goes.

She likes reading books.

C & H making friends too.

The kids in the village don't have toys so they make toys with whatever they can find. This boy is playing with a old moto tire and a stick.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Baking Fun

Me and Mommy baking a cake and having alot of fun. I love to cook and bake with my mommy. -C

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

April: Another Visit to a Village

Our friends in a village in Mali.

We ate mangoes and Mommy and Daddy ate them like the Africans do. They cut some up for us to eat. They also gave us lots and lots of mangoes to take and eat at home.

E loves to help our friend Nathan's* wife, Felicity* prepare the meals. They are using a mortar and pestal to pound the ingriedients for the sauce. (Like onions, seasoning, etc.)

It was a hot day because it is hot season now, but we had a lot of fun.