Wednesday, June 17, 2009

All Those Secrets of the World by, Jane Yolen

This week for homeschool our unit was on this book. It is a book about a little girl whose father goes off to fight during World War II. We had lots of fun this week with lots of neat activities. Here are a few of the things we learned:
We learned about a first person point of view, we studied a little geography, we learned about tubas and sycamore trees, we studied some new vocab, we learned about forshadowing, and about times of war in history.
We also learned about:
*Illustration mediums and did some watercoloring (like the illustraions in this book).

*We did some science and history learning about horizons and myths. (Is the world round or flat?)

*We learned about viewpoints in art and did some drawings to practice what we learned.
Daddy helping H:
C and her drawing of me:

*We learned about oil and water and did an experiement to see if we could get them to mix.
*We learned about shadowing in artwork and practiced this too. (They chose penguins because they love 'em just like their Mimi!)

Here are just a few more pics:

E doing school too.

Daddy working with the girls on some math.

E finds lots of ways to entertain herself while we do school. Here she hijacked the camera and hid in her hiding place under the kitchen table and got a picture of me doing reading with H.
*Guest Post by the Mommy of the house. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great book!! Glad the girls love reading. Wish I could be there to help them learn!!! Loved the pictures of them. E may grow up to be a photographer, that was a really good picture she took!! Tell the girls I am so proud of their efforts to learn and give them a big kiss and hug (and a tickle or two) from Nana. Miss you all lots and lots, love you even more, Nana


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