Sunday, July 12, 2009

Life With E

When we go to the Super Marche I like to look at the French coloring books and play on the boxes and cases of beer while Mommy & Daddy get our groceries and practice their french with the workers. I also like to hold a basket and help carry our things.

Tuesday Toe Day: The day where we cut our toe nails and get them painted. (This way I don't bite them!)

One of my chores is to fold the washclothes. I'm getting really good at it.

We ate african food at a restraunt with our french teacher. I really liked it and ate alot, but look at this HUGE plate of food they gave me for less than $2 USD. I liked the cabbage. The owner of the restraunt really liked me and called me his wife. I liked all the attention. He did something similar to "this little piggy" to me with my hand. It made me laugh.

We went to a village about an hour away from where we live to meet our french teachers' family and spend time with some new friends. Ms.E's family was very nice and I had a great time playing with her nephews. One of them was just my size and age and a ham just like me! We had a great time together. While we waited for lunch to be prepared we ate peanuts for a snack.
We also spent some time with new friends. We ate pizza for dinner at their house and I got to use this Barbie cup. I wanted Mommy to take a picture of it. We played and had lots of fun at their house and even got to spend the night.
Love, E


  1. Of course you like cabbage, you are after all a southern girl!! HA HA Loved your pics especially the last one with your hair on top of your head. Glad you had so much fun with the teacher's nephews and the other people you visited!! Miss you so much and think of you every day!! Love to you, NanaBanana

  2. Of course you like cabbage, you are a southern girl!! You looks so adorable I wish I could pick you up and hold you and tickle you. Glad to hear that you are still being a big helper for Mommy. I miss you lots and think of you every day!! NanaBanana

  3. I love the Tuesday Toe Day tradition! The African food looks like fun, too!


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