Sunday, September 13, 2009

More From E

We got a new dog named Aslan and I like him a lot!

I call every meal breakfast (no matter how many times Mommy corrects me) and I really love to eat. Especially breakfast! Here I am with a yummy bowl of oatmeal.

I had my secong dentist check-up (my first was in the States before we left) when a volunteer team came and did dental clinics in some villages. I wasn't crazy about the idea at first, but once I sat in Daddy's lap I was fine. :)
We got new African clothes. The tailor is the one who gave me my African name and he asks about me everytime Mommy goes there. Don't I look cute?!

My sisters have started going to school. I miss them when they are gone but am doing pretty well at playing by myself. At least I have Aslan now too!

We went to an island in Senegal before we left and after we took a tour of the island ate at a restaurant. I ate shrimp; look at the size of it!

This was our guide. (Please pray for him.) I was his little tag-a-long. I'm pretty sure I've never met a stranger. I make friends wherever I go!

When we got off the ferry to the island I lost my flip flop in the water! They were able to move it to the front of the boat away from the dock and a boy swam out and got it for me!
Love, E

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics. E looks so cute with her new friend!! C & H look adorable in their "on our way to school" pic!! Always enjoy the pics you take!! Love to all, Mom/Nana


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